
Life is always the other way around. And when it travels, it takes nothing but a huge pile of thoughts with it. There is nothing significant in a dead thought, but it is, sometimes, the greatest driving force that fuels it for decades. A brain with sharp can keep dissecting into to the deepest abyssContinue reading “Lips”

Dream chess

It was a very vivid dream. There was this amazing clarity of the chess board which was green and cream in coloured checks. The pieces where 3 dimensional. One couldn’t remember the first move or the beginning of the game. It was a game in progress. The moves that one was making with the whiteContinue reading “Dream chess”

Honest thought

Thought as such is always comparing one frame to another. Judging and making the decisions based on the immediate needs. Thought in all its strength is the greatest blockade to human happiness. It cultivates enormous amounts of walls and exits, creating a labyrinth inside itself and lies in the comfort of it. It’s designs areContinue reading “Honest thought”

Lady in a slate grey saree

Never before had one seen such a beautiful, bold, and captivating saree. It was an ordinary slate grey colour contrasted with 2 more colours of cute pink and gold. The texture was unrealistically smooth and magical. There was not a single crease on it and it moved like a still ocean all over her withContinue reading “Lady in a slate grey saree”

The line that defined her

To live a normal life without conflict is a blessing. Absolutely no conflict. The conflict of good and bad, moral and immoral, rich and poor, ugly and beautiful. A boy should know her girl from within, with no shades of conflict whatsoever that is dictated from the mind, which obeys the rules of society andContinue reading “The line that defined her”


The place that transforms humans into cretins. It’s odd that we are so much frustrated and bored in life. Education should start in forests and not inside concrete walls.  An old lady, who never knew a computer used to feed sparrows everyday. She keeps water in a tub, for them to drink in a hotContinue reading “Internet”