Love and bravery

Love is born out of bravery and the bravest are the ones who had truly loved life and its inner meaning. The bliss of birth, life and death is inseparable like a twining young plant stuck to a dirty post. They very act of differentiating the plant and the post is the cunningness of theContinue reading “Love and bravery”


Never ever in human history has an award or medal glorified one. It’s only because of the receiver that the award even exists. And the committee, organisations and people involved in it too. A coach can never hit a goal.

Parent – School – child weirdness

What will you call a mother / father who sends her Kindergarten child with high temperature to school, just because he / she will be naughty at home? What will you call those schools who do not send back the sick kids to home? Can we call them irresponsible?